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Making DIY easier - The English paper-folding robot blueprint and production tutorial

In recent years, the DIY industry has been booming, with more and more people choosing to create things on their own. One particularly popular trend is paper-folding, which can be done by people of all ages and skill levels. However, as much as people enjoy the creative process, the precision and patience required for intricate folding designs can be a daunting task. This is where the paper-folding robot comes in!


The paper-folding robot is a mechanical device that can help simplify the process of creating intricate designs by automating the folding process. By following the blueprint and tutorial provided below, you can easily create your very own paper-folding robot.



- 3D-printed parts

- Arduino board

- Servo motor

- Battery pack

- Wires

- Glue


1. Print out all the necessary 3D parts for the robot, which includes the base, arm, and claw.

2. Assemble the robot by connecting the shoulder and elbow joints to the base unit. Once connected, attach the claw unit to the end of the arm.

3. Install the servo motor onto the base unit and connect the arm and grip with the motor. Connect the motor to the Arduino board using the wires.

4. Install the battery pack and place it onto the base unit.

5. Use the Bluetooth module to connect the Arduino board to your phone or computer, which will allow you to control the movements of the robot remotely.


Once you have your paper-folding robot built, you can begin using it with the following steps:

1. Choose a paper-folding design that you want to create and upload the design onto your phone or computer.

2. Open the Bluetooth software on your phone or computer and connect to the robot.

3. Use the software to send the design to the robot, which will then use its claw to pick up and fold the paper according to the design.

4. Once the design is complete, the robot will let you know that it is finished and you can remove the folded paper.


In conclusion, the paper-folding robot can greatly simplify the process of creating intricate designs and allow even those with little to no experience to create flawless paper-folding creations. By following the blueprint and tutorial provided above, you can easily build your very own paper-folding robot and start creating amazing paper-folds today!